How to Apply
- Garden plots are offered through an annual lottery-style drawing and selection (the Plottery!)
- New members inquiring about available plots should e-mail for an application.
- Annual fees include a $10 membership fee and an additional cost of $1.25 ft2 / per year. Plot sizes are pre-determined and based on availability (see maps below).
- Membership fees must be paid by April 1 for new plot holders and by March 1 for renewing members.
- Up to one plot may be renewed on a priority basis every year without participating in the Plottery. All remaining plots will be offered to new members through the annual Plottery. After all interested gardeners have one plot, members may acquire a second plot on a year to year basis, as available. There is no guarantee that members will be able to keep their second plot for more than one year. (This assures as many people as possible the opportunity to garden with us!)
Membership Requirements
- 5 volunteer hours must be completed each year by the Fall close-out work party. Members must pay $20 per unfulfilled hour. Hours can be tracked in books at each garden or sent via email to the board. Renewal of plots is contingent on completing volunteer hours or paying unfilled hour fee.
- Members are responsible for using their garden plot and for closing out their plot at the end of the season. Members who have not worked on their plot by May 31st will be contacted as to their intentions. Garden beds that are not closed out by the Fall close-out work party will be contacted and possibly charged for the time it takes to close them out.
- All members must review and adhere to the Garden Guidelines.
- An annual membership meeting will be held each Spring.
Calculating Your Plot Fee
$10 for membership dues + your specific plot fee – see the garden maps below.

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